Produced a social package around the ‘Fresh Pop Green Herb Recipe’ viral video

Our Mission

Postcommunications utilized a viral video that celebrity ‘Moon Gabi’ had modelled for, as part of the social media promotion for Fresh Pop’s flagship product, the Green Herb Recipe shampoo. Post Communications planned and produced content around that viral video for an Instagram series.

The Solutions

Development of series contents such as motion posters, story events, and hashtag planning/design for visual purposes

Post Communications needed to organize a package of content that evenly reflected the product’s “#BaamGaamShaam” (#밤감샴 meaning; Shampoo that is good to use at night) keyword, along with highlighting an enticing visual and the scalp cleansing shampoo’s USP advantage in the viral video.

Thusly, for the purposes of visual appeal, Postcommunications created a story event to correctly guess motion posters and the shampoo’s core technologies, producing a content series to spread the keyword #BaamGaamShaam”.

The Result

Spreading of viral video contents by aptly utilizing the unique functions and features of the Instagram platform

Postcommunications has made the most of Instagram’s features by properly utilizing each of the Instagram platform’s unique functions and traits for each piece of content.
By mixing key scenes of the viral video, the primary focus of the viral video was not only about highlighting the main points that are to be consumed, but rather was about being able to display repeatedly a diverse and colorful placement, rather than simply just a piece on social media.

Furthermore, the project has been a very meaningful achievement in that the brand messages mixed into the video have focused on several individual pieces of content, rather than just a singular.